老外怎么看英雄联盟LPL OMG的复兴时代来了
My boys are coming back!!
I've kept this OMG flair since season 3。 It's been so painful watching them the past couple years, but man, it's the new renaissance for OMG<小儿癫痫会有哪些危害/p>
I always bring up Icon whenever people talk about midlaners in China。 They never mention him its always Xiye, Xiahou, Rookie, Scout even though Icon pound for pound is a better pure laner than them。 He always has a cs advantage and pressure 1v1。
<如何有效的治疗癫痫疾病呢p> Also Smlz is a fuckin god he was even good on M3 and last year m奥卡西平怎么治疗癫痫疾病的ost of OMG's wins were Smlz popping off on Kog or Kalista。 He has always been a good adc too me。 I know some analyst think he was bad before but that is long in the past。每当人们谈到LPL的中单的时候我总是提到Icon,在他们讨论兮夜、小虎、Rookie和Scout的时候从来不会提到他,即使他的平均表现要更好。他在V1V的时候从能保持补刀领先。
Interviewer: Are you happy?
Smlz: Okay。
I'm 90% sure Smlz is an android。
Can't expect Uzi to carry playing Ashe。 Xiaohu + Uzi did 80k damage in game 2 but they still couldn't kill shit (especially shen)。 These days, RNG winning really depends on how well mlxg performs。
<治疗癫痫需要多少钱?p> 不要指望玩寒冰的UZI可以Carry团队,第二局比赛小虎加上UZI打出了80K的伤害但是他们还是杀不了人(特别是慎),这段时间里,RNG的胜利取决于MLXG打出了多漂亮的表现。Omg。。。LPL is so inconsistent, just like NA。 There is no clear #1 team because everybody can lose to anybody。
IG 0:2 Snake
Rookie 1v9 again sadly。
So when do we ban Kid from LPL?
Obviously Kid vs Ssofm was the biggest difference in this series but I also feel like Flandre outperformed Duke substantially。
LGD 1:2 IMMakes me so sad watching Imp play like this :(
The whole team, except Jinoo, is hopeless now。 And there's no more Imp, I only saw Omp playing now。 He is really enjoying his money by geting fat on body and loosing in game。
Other teams would rather scouting for a young talented adc than spending money on him now。
Been saying this since S5 worlds, but sadly I think it's too late now... I don't know how he would find his motivation back if he kept playing for that sinking ship during the last 2 years.